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FHT Team Care

CAUSE-based | Team Care  Full-support or DIY options.

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Basic Membership

$79.00 now, and $79.00 on the 3rd of each month

Membership details below …

First payment: August 3, 2024

SKU: FHTBASIC Category: Tag:

What's Included in your FHT Basic Plan?

-"No travel, no wait" weekly group Q&A with FHT Care Coordinator (Functional Medicine Doctor).*

- Access to advanced Functional Medicine, Biomarker and Full Genome testing.

- Access to FHT’s professional-grade supplements, unavailable to the public, delivered to your door, at prices that beat Amazon Prime.

- Access to the FHT Community - Website, Forum, FB Closed Groups.

- Live monthly events

- In nearly all cases, your FHT plan, supplements, tests and other product purchases are FSA/HSA eligible.

*Telemedicine visits via phone or secure video

What's not included ...

  • Supplements, testing and a la carte programs members choose to purchase through FHT (they may be discounted with your plan) or other retailers.
  • Laboratory test costs. (Some lab tests are fully or partially covered by your health insurance plan, some may not be covered or may require a co-pay.)
  • In most cases, FSA/HSA dollars may be applied to tests and nutraceuticals/supplements.
  • Medications either prescribed or over-the-counter.
  • Services provided other than by FHT, such as emergency and specialist care, will be billed to you or your insurance plan by those providers.


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